Cute Gingerbread Man

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Dia Yang Aku Sayang

Sedih bila kita sebagai manusia tak dapat nak membantu makhluk Allah yang dalam kesusahan dan kesakitan lagi lagi kalau makhluk tu benda yang kita sayang. Aku rasa benda yang paling aku hargai dalam dunia ni ialah kucing. memang aku ni pecinta kucing sebenarnya. Aku takde boyfriend pon tak kesah asalkan kucing kucing aku ni ade dengan aku. Tgk la tu, bahagia kan kucing aku tido. Terkangkang sana sini, tak sopan langsung. Kucing kucing ni yang melengkapkan hidup aku. Tomok yang hitam, dominic yang putih terkangkang ni, monica yang muka kembang macam belon. 

Hari hari aku tgk dieorang bertiga ni happy je, bukan dia pk masalah pon kan. Main kejar kejar sama sama, tolong jilatkan bulu sesama sendiri, gaduh pon sama sama, makan asing asing and tido pon sama sama. Dieorang rapat gile even tak sama mak ayah. Comel kan. 

Tapi tadi aku rasa aku orang yang paling sedih sebab nya kaki dominic patah. Punca nya kaca terjatuh kat atas kaki dia. berdarah darah. aku tak boleh tengok kucing sakit lagi lagi berdarah sana sini. nak jalan pon susah, dia je tau sakit nya mcm mana. aku xmampu nak tolong dia, yang aku mampu letak miyak gamat kt kaki dia and doa dia akan cepat baik. menyesal aku pukul dia sebab dia nakal sangat jatuh kan pasu mak aku. aku ingt kan dia x ape ape, rupenya tapak kaki dia terbelah dua, jari kaki dia patah. sedih :'(. Kucing aku sakit tapi aku tak boleh nak buat apa apa utk dia. 

Now dominic terduduk je, tak mampu nak berjalan sempurna. Even kaki dia sakit pon dia cuba nak berjalan, cari rumput ubat kat luar rumah. Aku sedih tgk keadaan dia. 

 Aku harap kaki dia cepat sembuh. Sedih bila sesuatu yang kita sayang, bila dia rasa sakit kita tak dapat bantu mereda kan kesakitan dia. Semoga kau cepat sembuh dominic. Aku sayang kan kau. ;'(

Sunday, 13 November 2011


sekarang baru aku sedar.. siapa kawan siapa lawan.. walau dia manis muka depan kita, dalam hati belum tentu semanis senyuman dia.. memang betul lah kata hati aku selama ni. cube jugak menidak kan kebenaran, cube jugak membuang prasangka buruk tapi tuhan memang nak tunjuk dekat aku.. masa dia susah, mintak tolong aku, aku cuba bantu seboleh mungkin.. masa aku susah, aku minta tolong dia, dia mengelak.. walaupun dia cuba bermanis mulut dan cuba senyum tengok muka aku tapi aku dapat baca apa perasaan dia pada aku.. benci bukan main.. mata memang tak boleh tipu manusia.. bukan cuba nak mengungkit apa yang aku dah tolong dia, tapi kalau kau tak suka aku jangan berkawan dengan aku terus.. buat apa kawan dengan orang yang kau benci? untuk menyakitkan hati kau lagi? cuma 1 benda je yang aku tak faham, kenapa kau boleh ada perasaan benci kat aku.. sedang kan aku tak pernah ambil kesempatan dekat engkau.. walaupun aku susah macam mana pon memang tak pernah lah aku mintak tolong engkau.. engkau yang tercari-cari aku masa susah adalah.. tapi aku tak kesah.. aku xpenah endah pon kau nak buat mcm tu sebab aku fikir kau kawan aku.. kawan yang aku sayang.. aku xpernah terfikir pon kau cuba ambil kesempatan dekat aku.. sebab aku fikir dan cuba faham erti persahabatan.. atau aku ada tersalah cakap ke dengan kau? jumpa engkau pon jarang apata lagi nak tersalah cakap dengan kau.. kadang2 aku sedih, sebab aku sayang kan kawan aku tapi kawan aku sendiri tak suka aku.. aku ingat kau boleh jadi kawan susah senang.. rupa nya sama je.. atau kau kawan dengan aku untuk kesenangan dan kepentingan tertentu kau je? macam tu? memang susah nak cari kawan yang kenal erti kawan tu sendiri.. mungkin kau buat aku, aku tak pertikaikan.. tapi kau jangan buat orang lain macam tu, sebab 1 hari kau akan rasa macam mana dipergunakan dengan kawan sendiri.. Perit!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


sedih bila pandang muka mak dan ayah, kenapa aku jadi anak suka hancurkan harapan mereka.. bukan tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang aku dapat.. tapi aku kesal dengan sikap aku yang acuh tak acuh semkin hari.. orang berusaha untuk berjaya, tetapi semakin aku berusaha semakin aku menghampiri kegagalan.. kadang-kadang rasa give up tu memang meluap-luap.. rasa macam diri ni tidak dikurniakan otak langsung walhal semuanya berpunca daripada diri sendiri.. aku tidak memikirkan perasaan org lain, aku hanya memikirkan kedua orang tua ku yang telah banyak berkorban demi kejayaan anak-anaknya.. apa yang aku balas kepada mereka? cuma sampah.. kenapa kau mcm ni ain.. kenapa kau bodoh sangat.. kenapa kau tak ada semangat yang kau pernah ada sebelum ni..? kenapa kau nak mengalah sekarang hanya kerana apa yg kau peroleh tak memuaskan hati? aku tak boleh fikir lagi.. maafkan aku mak, ayah.. aku tau mak ayah sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik untuk aku.. tapi Tuhan tidak mengizinkan segala-galanya.. Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan Ya Allah.. aku memohon kepada-Mu..

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Bitch as known as SUNDAL.. 1 perkataan yg membawa kepada sumpahan.. Sumpahan yang mcm mana? sumpahan kepada diri yg ditujukan, sumpahan kepada diri yang menujukan.. Faham? Susah nak phm actually. Orang zaman skrg merata2 kalau nak describe sorg pempuan dalam keadaan yang marah dia akan cakap something like this " ah! pegi mampus la kau pempuan sundal" ATAUPUN "kalau dah namenye SUNDAL, mcm tulah perangai nye". Tahukah anda, menyundal kan org tu bahaya. Kenapa bahaya? Sebab-sebabnya ialah: 

1. Perkataan itu aku akan berbalik pada diri kita.
2. Berdosa (bukan nak tunjuk baik but its a fact)
3. Mengaibkan orang lain sama ada secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja

Sebelum kita menujukan perkataan sebegitu kepada org lain, kita patut cermin diri kita dahulu.. Kita patut tanya diri kita Adakah kita dah cukup hebat untuk mengaibkan kehormatan orang lain? Adakah diri kita cukup sempurna untuk mengeji orang lain dan cuba memuliakan diri sendiri? Fikir sejenak wahai kaum adam dan hawa.

Jadi, cuba hilangkan sifat suka mengeji dan mengutuk orang dalam diri anda termasuk saya sendiri sedikit demi sedikit. Harus diingat bahawa setiap perkataan tidak baik yang kita tujukan pada orang lain akan berbalik kepada diri kita sendiri dengan izin Allah. Tak rugi pun kan!

Saturday, 17 September 2011


he is such a SWEET LITTLE boy.. i wonder if i could OWN him.. im OBSESS with him.. yes! i ADMIRE him too! no one can stop it..

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Okay, dah lame x update blog niy.. sangat2lah excited KERANA today entry kami akan memberitahu anda semua tentang KHIDMAT MAKE-UP TERBAIK daripada kami. for all brides and grooms, we would like to introduce you our make-up services for the wedding and we will guaranteed it suited your own satisfaction.   kalau anda semua tak percaya, sila lihat foto di atas. hehe.. we offer a various types of make-up styles at a reasonable price accordance with the requirement of the brides. so, do not worry about your budget because we provide a wide range of prices and you can choose which one that suits your budget. other than that, we also offer you the photography services for your wedding pictures. this is our BEST SERVICES based on the survey and request from our customers. so, we would like to expand our BEST SERVICES to you so that you can evaluate our work..TRY IT NOW BECAUSE IT IS WORTH!!! 

Thursday, 17 March 2011


thanks for those who read our blog.. time to updating new post!!
for those who survey your wedding dress.. BLUE WEDDING DRESS especially..
now we glad to show you our beautiful collection..

*this elegent dress can make you more feminine.. this design is exclusive and only have in our boutique*

* for indian bridegroom.. this dress look more luxury.. who see it will spellbound *

* for muslim bride,, this dress are suitable for you.. it can make u look more pretty and gorgeous *

* the beautiful bridal dais always be a contemplation for the bride *

* not forget the accessories.. you can choose what you want *

* look so delicious right??.. we give you to choose the flavor and design of cake *

its look great right??..
nothing is better than have a such a beautiful wedding!!!
the best choice only at  DE LAA ROSSA BRIDAL...

Sunday, 6 March 2011

vintage-inspired dresses for everyone

 hellow everybody!
hope all of you enjoy and feel happy to be our blog follower and get some input and ideas on wedding world.
now, we would like to share with you some ideas about dress or gown concepts that can be worn by brides for their nuptials..
those who are planning their nuptials may go on looking for the right gown for week if not days.. 
the most important thing that should be stressed by brides and groom of course their appearance because they are center of attraction in that day.
 so whatever they wear, it will be a public conversation.
today, we would like to introduce you our new gown concept that is VINTAGE. 
do not crunch your nose when you hear the word VINTAGE.
 the vintage wedding gown are very much in style and you can definitely choose a vintage gown for your BIG day..
a vintage gown can indeed and looks more unique than the new design. another plus of a vintage gown is that it is cheaper than a new one.

Now when it comes to vintage gowns, the first thing you have to keep in mind is the color of the attire. It has to be ivory or cream color. This is the time you do not have the liberty to add colors to your dress. These two colors have been the color of wedding gowns for ages. So do not hesitate to choose from these two shades.

Vintage gowns are all about flairs. The more flair the better. If you want to have a Victorian gown then make sure there are layers of net underneath to make the dress look fluffy from underneath. And the length has to be long. No matter how sexy your legs are, this dress will not allow you to show them off. But this does not mean that the gown has to have shoulder straps. If you have them then better, if not, then no problem.

Now comes the material. That is one of the most important aspects of a wedding dress. Look for vintage lace. Without the vintage laces, the dress will not have that vintage look and it will certainly be incomplete. The material underneath can be satin. Cotton is not appropriate for this occasion. But if you are not fond of lace then you can use some soft material and have heavy embroidery on it. But the color of the embroidery and the color of the material do not need to be the same. You can experiment with the shades a bit.

alright girl, i've something to show you.. as i said just now, vintage concept only emphasize on combination ivory and cream color.. for those who are not interested with this concepts, here i show you something that might be amaze your eyes. something that could change your MIND! something NEW AND FRESH!






Remember, the veil is a very important. The whole dress would be ruined if the veil does not match with the dress. Do not use any heavy material for the veil. In this case you have two choices, either lace or net. If you wish to do a bit of experiment then you can also try for embroidered chiffon as well. You will not regret it at all. And make sure you use the right hair accessory to go with the veil. 
With all these tips you are all set for a vintage gown.

oh yah, sebelum saye terlupe. for those Muslims who are interested with this concept, DO NOT WORRY! 
anda masih boleh mengayakan dress labuh ini bersama tudung because we have prepared berberapa design baju MUSLIMAH ala-ala VINTAGE yang sopan untuk anda gayakan semasa resepsi perkahwinan anda!

NAH! this is 4 YOU..

nice rite!

The Romance Of Hua Hin

Hello our beloved customer,

For this entry, we would like to show about a perfect place for your honeymoon. There some picture of them,including 20 ways on how you want to go there and what you can do there for your sweet and romantic honeymoon :)

In a time before Phuket, Pattaya or Samui as we know them, there was Hua Hin - the Thai kingdom's first seaside resort. MB picks 20 things to do in this sunny ville.

1 You can catch a bus to this town 200 kilometres south of Bangkok, but it is far more romantic to take the train... and arrive at Hua Hin Railway Station. To cater to its royal passengers, the State Railway made this one particularly luxurious.
2 If you’re on a nostalgia trip, book into the Railway Hotel, constructed in grand Edwardian style early last century to accommodate the rich and famous who flocked to this, one of the earliest of exotic holiday destinations.
3 Play 18 holes at Royal Hua Hin Golf Course, no doubt where important business liaisons were forged in the early days. Designed in 1926, the Royal is the oldest in the country with greens that roll along picturesque coastal hills.
4 It might take a mighty dose of determination, but getting up at the crack of dawn to watch the sun rising on the Gulf is well worth it. So grab the hand of that special someone and get an early start to a precious day.
5 No seaside vacation is complete without some time on the beach and a good frolic among the waves. It’s even nice to find a high rock to sit on and just watch the goings-on. But don’t forget your sunblock.
6 If you can’t resist getting into the water, paddle a boat or sail it. It’s not too challenging, but far more relaxing than cutting the water on a pair of skis. You won’t find noisy speed-boat-propelled activities here.
7 Put your feet up and get cosy with a fashion magazine or Booker Prize novel and a fresh coconut shake on the side. License to laze is why you wanted to get away from it all, no?
8 Renting a jeep may be a convenient way to cover distances as you go off the beaten track. But if you want to tone those muscles amid natural surroundings, get hold of a mountain bike and hit one of the many trails. Don’t forget your map.
9 Check out some of the cultural and historical attractions. The magnificent Phra Ratchaniwet Marukhathaiyawan is an architectural marvel. Built in 1923 by King Vajiravudh, the Summer Palace is constructed largely of teak.
10 Feast away. The local fishermen bring in a catch daily to supply the many seafood restaurants by the sea. Watch the cholesterol though if your meter needle tends to swing high.
11 Check out the Hua Hin Arts & Crafts Centre on Naipkhehat Road, not so much for souvenirs to buy but for the work of contemporary Thai artists as well as the furniture and pictures that tell of Hua Hin in the days gone by.
12 The most appreciated souvenirs for folks back home are the local snack foods. There’s always a plethora of local sweets and desserts at Hua Hin’s night markets, along with lots of handicrafts, inexpensive clothing and fashion accessories.
13 Have a slice of paradise. Pick a luxurious base for your Hua Hin adventure, like an Evason pool villa. No fig leaves required! Here, you are truly mistress of all you survey, and can swim wearing no more than a pair of goggles in your private pool.
14 On that note, why not bubble bath in the moonlight after your skinny dip? To conserve water, make sure you're not alone. Just keep your voices down, will you?
15 Get pampered. Has anyone ever complained of too many spa sessions? Experience what a difference professional masseurs can make with their nimble fingers, strong arms and great technique at The Evason Hua Hin Resort & Spa.
16 Rent a scrambler, pack a picnic and head for Namtok Pa La U waterfalls, 63 kilometres inland along highway 3219. It’s a bit of a ride, but worth it. You pass meandering creeks, verdant gardens and walk among hundreds of butterflies. It’s as if you’re in an enchanted place. Higher up, find a sizeable rock and spread your picnic. Breathtaking.
17 Watch the birdies. The Sam Roi Yot National Park to the south of Hua Hin, with its limestone mountains, mangrove swamps and beaches are a sanctuary for migratory birds and heaven for ardent bird watchers.
18 While you’re there, be sure to visit Hat Laem Sala, a short boat ride up from the park office. This is where you’ll find the Tham Phraya Nakhon cave. It has a hole in the ceiling from which a shaft of light reaches in, illuminating a beautiful pavilion and miraculous garden. Being there is like walking into a LOTR-type magical setting.
19 Go fishing. Hua Hin is a fishing town after all. It’s actually quite fun. No need to handle worm baits if you’re queasy. Shrimp and squid are easier for beginners. Beware, though. Once you’ve had the thrill of a bite, you’ll be smitten.
20 If you’ve always wondered about how it feels to ride a trishaw but felt stupid doing it back home, do it in Hua Hin. It’s a whole lot more scenic too.

we're really hope you enjoy and get helped a little bit from this information . happy honeymoon, pengantin baru c( ;

Saturday, 5 March 2011

a correct way to wear your tiara with veil

These two pages should answer most of your questions about the proper way to put on a veil with a comb as well as how to wear a tiara. All photos are in the orientation shown at the right.

Step #1:
Begin by holding the comb upside down, with the concave side upward, as in the photo. Both layers of tulle are pulled backward. The blusher, which is the shorter layer, is on top.
how to ear a veil> Step #2:
Rotate the comb forward as shown in the next three photos.
how to wear a tiara Just for reference, this is the WRONG WAY to hold the comb.
 Step #3:
With the concave side of the comb now downward, slide it into the hair.
how to put on a wedding veil Step #4:
Slide the tiara on at a 45-degree angle.
how to put on a wedding tiara Step #5:
Adjust the tiara so that there is no gap between the veil and the tiara. For a snug fit, you may have to gently bend the tiara band to fit the shape of your head. If there are thin metal fingers on the tiara, these may also be adjusted for the most comfortable and secure fit. 
** Note: the combs do not bend, only the headband or tiara style headpieces will bend (see an example of a comb on the right).
wearing a tiara with a veil Step #6:
If you have pin loops like these, secure the tiara with bobbypins through the pin loops to hold it in place.
how to wear a wedding tiara with veil Step #7:
Cover the ends of the exposed band with hair.
wearing the tiara NOTE: If you’re wearing your hair down, without a veil, slant the tiara like this for best effect. Don’t perch it on top of your head or you’ll look more like a beauty pageant winner than a bride.
wearing a wedding tiara and veil IF YOU ARE WEARING THE VEIL AT THE TOP OF THE HEAD, it should join the base of the tiara, with no gap. The veil may also be sewn onto the tiara with invisible thread. Many brides sew snaps or use velcro to attach the veil. This way you can remove the veil for the reception and still wear the tiara. You will want to remove the veil to be able to dance, and to prevent it from being pulled off when that long lost relative gives you a bear hug in the reception line. But you will want to leave the tiara on so that everyone will be able to see, when they look at their photos afterward, exactly who the bride was.
wearing a bridal veil and tiara Gently raise the top layer of the veil (the blusher) over the tiara.
wearing a wedding veil and tiara The blusher will soften your look and create a more romantic mood. You will be amazed at the transformation. It’s the blusher that will bring everyone to tears!
how to wear a wedding veil WHEN WEARING AN UPDO, the tiara should be placed well back, against the hair. Keep in mind that if you have a long face, you may want to choose a low, flat tiara or headband because a high, pointed tiara will make your face look even longer. If you have a round face, you will look good in almost any tiara shape, but a tiara that rises to a point in the middle will be most complimentary. Finally, if you have a petite face, be careful about choosing a really large tiara as it may overwhelm you. The tiara should bring attention up to your face by framing it, not attract attention away from it.
how to wear a wedding crown without a veil A veil may also be attached behind an updo.
how to wear a tiara with an updo The CORRECT WAY to wear a tiara with an updo.
how to wear a wedding veil with different hairstyles The INCORRECT WAY to wear a tiara with this hairstyle.